Finally – passed final house inspection!

Today was a big day!  Two years, five months, and exactly one week since we applied for our building permit (May 26th, 2014), we had our final house inspection with the building inspector, which we passed, and have now received our final approval for unconditional occupancy.

Final Inspection Passed!
Final Inspection Passed!

This was a pretty monumental journey, with some really great times, but also some very difficult periods.  Definitely a life-changing experience and something we will probably not get the opportunity to do again.

While we do have our final approval for occupancy, that does not mean we are done by any stretch – it simple means we are done with the building inspector  😉  We still have a fair amount of trim and detail work to do, as well as finishing out the basement, but at least now we can take our time and do it all right and on our terms.

Thanks for following along with our journey and if anyone wants to come for a visit to the homestead, by all means get in touch!  We’ll be sure to post from time to time with updates as we make further progress.  Next up – tiling and finishing our master bathroom 100%, including connecting our heated towel warmer and completing the installation of our freestanding tub!